Mobile App Development
Mobile application development has become an exciting skill and a lucrative career. Our lives are enriched by apps like WhatsApp, Uber, Careem, FoodPanda and so on. In this course, you will learn to make apps similar to your favourite app. The course assumes no prior knowledge of programming. Everything that is needed will be taught, and practiced in the course. Ideal candidates are people looking to learn a highly employable skill, or people looking to move from allied fields like digital marketing or web development, or business people who plan to make or supervise mobile apps development, or app developers who want to learn Flutter or Firebase.
- 60 Lessons
- 19 hours 52 mins 38 secs
- Providing Users with paths 22 mins 0 secs
- Ancestral Navigation 9 mins 48 secs
- Navigation Drawers 32 mins 34 secs
- Navigation Drawers 2 36 mins 1 secs
- Lists and Corousals 8 mins 54 secs
- Lateral Navigation with tabs 33 mins 41 secs
- Bottom Navigation Bar 25 mins 47 secs
- Lists View 18 mins 23 secs
- Recycler View 19 mins 32 secs
- Intro about activities 29 mins 52 secs
- Creating Activity 20 mins 31 secs
- Starting an activity with an explicit intent 23 mins 27 secs
- Passing data from one activity to another 16 mins 21 secs
- Activity Navigation 12 mins 3 secs
- Activity lifecycle and state 25 mins 31 secs
- Config Changes 6 mins 19 secs
- Understanding an Implicit Intent 19 mins 48 secs
- Designing for Interactivity 28 mins 9 secs
- Designing Buttons 34 mins 44 secs
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